Most central Ohio child care providers still struggling to find workers
A report from Action for Children says central Ohio child care providers are showing modest signs of improvement in revenue and enrollment, but not enough. It says 81% of local providers are still short-staffed and 55% have had to raise tuition since last September.
Study finds more funding needed for Ohio early childhood education Head Start programs
A study and subsequent report “State of Head Start and Early Head Start” from NIEER found that for Ohio children living in poverty, only 29% are enrolled in Head Start. For Early Head Start, the number is even lower – 8%. In Ohio, less than one-third of children in poverty are enrolled in early childhood education Head Start programs, a national study found, and more investment is needed for the programs to succeed.


Quarter 2 Progress Monitoring Report
Kudos to our providers for Perfect PMRs: Brittany Glenn, Marcia Jones, and Lori Wilson. Read the report.
Quarter 2 Health & Safety Report
Kudos to our providers for Perfect H&S: CCC North, Fresh Start, Future Scholars, Heavenly Kids, Starting Point, Brittany Glenn, Cheryl Odom, Diane Burton—Horton, Esther Jefferson, and Marcia Jones. Read the report.


March is National Nutrition Month
This year, MyPlate’s theme is “Find the Recipe to a Healthier You,” which is an ode to healthy eating at every age. It’s never too early, or too late to eat healthfully! It’s never too early, or too late to eat healthfully. During the month of March, everyone is invited to learn about making informed food choices and developing healthful eating and physical activity habits. Here are some helpful sample menus for infants and toddlers in your care.

USDA proposal would shift school nutrition standards through 2029
A proposal by the U.S. Department of Agriculture would adjust nutritional standards for schools when it comes to the dietary content of meals – particularly around sodium and sugar content and whole grains. Beginning in fall 2024, schools would be required to offer mostly whole grain products, with the choice of occasional enriched grain products. By fall 2025, they would be expected to reduce weekly sodium limits for breakfast and lunch by 10% and limit high-sugar products like yogurts and cereal, though some flavored milk options with “reasonable limits” on added sugars would be allowed.
This update comes from the Crane Center’s weekly Friday policy newsletter. Subscribe to the Tuned In/policy news.
PFCC Copayment Waiver Support Ending
On July 1, 2023, the publicly funded child care (PFCC) co-payment waiver support will end. All families receiving PFCC are required to begin paying their assigned co-payments to their authorized provider beginning the service week starting July 2, 2023. All licensed programs that provide PFCC have been notified the temporary waiver assistance will end. Assigned weekly co-payment amounts are accessible in two different systems:
KinderSign/Time Attendance and Payment System (TAP)
Ohio Benefits Self-Service Portal (SSP)
Questions? Contact the Child Care Help Desk at 1-877-302-2347, #4. For assistance with TAP call 1-833-866-1708, #9.

Tom’s Tips for Selecting a Tax Preparer
- Tax season is quickly approaching. One of the biggest challenges of is finding good, reliable tax preparation assistance for child care businesses. Tom Copeland’s 10-15 minute video shows you how.
Leading from Home: Family Child Care webinar
Trina Averette, EHS Family Child Care Professional & Ohio State Representative for the National Association of Family Child Care was a panelist for Groundwork Ohio’s Center for Early Learning webinar entitled, “Leading from Home.” Experts explored the value family child care brings in Ohio as well as the challenges faced by providers. The conversation was facilitated by Beth Hess, Managing Director of Policy for Groundwork Ohio. Watch the webinar.
Webinar: EHS Programming Around the State
This webinar features Groundwork Ohio and Early Head Start partners from across the state who discuss delivery models, what is working for infants, toddlers, and pregnant women in Ohio, and how to meet more families where they are through EHS programming.

2023 Crane Lecture Series, March 29
Join our partners, the Crane Center, March 29th from 4-6 pm at the Columbus Museum of Art for the 2023 Crane Lecture Series featuring Dr. Valora Washington, president & CEO of The CAYL Institute. Dr. Washington will discuss the state of early child care and education around the country and in Ohio. She will describe the most pressing issues facing the early childhood sector and workforce, challenge our thinking about how we speak and advocate for better early learning opportunities, and share how other states are tackling these challenges. Register here.

2022 Faces of FACCES
The 2022 Faces of FACCES event celebrated families, and community partners. Families shared their firsthand experiences and successes from utilizing services under the FACCES hub. Supporters were also highlighted for their incredible work and for collaborating with FACCES to uplift the amazing families in our community. Watch the video here.