Laura Justice
Dr. Justice’s research primarily focuses on young children who exhibit developmental vulnerabilities in language and literacy acquisition. Much of her research considers the effects of teacher or parent implemented interventions on children’s learning, including the effective use of storybooks. She is also interested in the state of classroom quality in early childhood and how various aspects of quality affect children’s gains within the classroom. She has received the Annie Glenn Leadership Award in Speech-Language Pathology, the Editor’s Award (from American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology), the Early Career Publication Award (from Division of Research, Council for Exceptional Children), the Erskine Fellowship (from University of Canterbury), and the Fulbright Scholar Award. Dr. Justice has served as the co-director of Risk and Prevention in Education Sciences Interdisciplinary Doctoral Training Program, and as an associate professor at the University of Virginia, Curry School of Education. Dr. Justice has also received the Presidential Early Career Award in Science and Engineering (from President G. W. Bush).