The A. Sophie Rogers School for Early Learning is rated as a high-quality early childhood program. Our commitment to quality informs every part of our program. Below are specific ways in which we measure quality.
Watch our teachers talk about quality in our classrooms.
Partnering with Families
Families are vital to a child’s education. We partner with your family to understand the goals and concerns you have for your child. This helps us tailor learning to your child individually. We host activities throughout the year for you and your family, and we organize several family education events. Topics range from child and family nutrition, kindergarten transitions, parenting challenges and more. Check out our upcoming events.
We also offer comprehensive support for your family, including help with health benefits, job opportunities, or kindergarten enrollment. Learn more.
Quality Rating
Step Up to Quality (SUTQ) rates the quality of licensed learning and care programs across Ohio using a 5-star system. SUTQ is administered by the Ohio Department of Education and the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services. Early childhood providers are recognized for their ability to exceed general health and safety standards that are proven to improve children’s outcomes.
The A. Sophie Rogers School takes part in SUTQ and earned a five-star rating which ranks our program as the highest level of quality for our:
- Low staff-child ratios (1:5 for infant/toddler classrooms and 1:10 for preschool classrooms);
- Higher education requirements for teachers and administrators;
- Teachers and administrators who complete more than 20 hours of specialized training every two years;
- Lesson plans that support each child’s growth;
- Assessments to evaluate and improve the learning experience; and
- Programs that help families and provide more opportunities for children in the community.
Our teachers use screening and assessments to inform and individualize instruction for each child. This helps ensure every child is on track for later school success. Families meet with teachers at least twice each year to learn details of children’s progress and to set educational goals for home and school.
Upon enrollment, each child receives a developmental screening which helps establish their learning path. We continually assess learning and development throughout the year using teacher observations and other progress-monitoring tools.
Assessing preschool development
- Letter names
- Letter sounds
- Rhyming
- Vocabulary
- Alliteration skills
Assessing infant/toddler development
- Motor skills
- Problem solving
- Communication