The teachers discovered the children were really interested in books and reading over the last few months. Children not only wanted to sit and turn pages of the books, but […]
Calendar & News
Stages of Emergent Writing Skills
FEATURED PROJECT: Children showed a strong interest in writing using different materials. Teachers took the opportunity to let them explore and develop their fine motor skills, and it has been an ongoing project for months!
“Natural” Curiosity
FEATURED PROJECT: Teachers took the opportunity to build upon the children’s natural curiosity around plants. They creatively created a full curriculum to enhance the children’s learning and development.
2020-2021 End of Year Celebration
We ended an unusual school year with a combination of in-person, virtual, and take home celebrations! Congratulations to all our children for a wonderful year and especially to our kindergarten-bound students!
2021 Summer Program Opportunities
If you are interested in enrolling your child in a summer program for 2021, please check out Columbus City School’s Summer Experience program for children PreK through 12th grade. It […]
“No, no, no! Birdies don’t have a nose!” and other scientific inquiries about birds
FEATURED PROJECT: When mourning doves arrived in this classroom’s courtyard, the children quickly became excited and curious about birds. This on-going project has evolved to continue expand children’s knowledge and meets a wide range of early learning standard domains.
Buckeye Paws Returns
Buckeye Paws – OSU’s therapy dog program – returned to our school for a fun (and adorable) visit. Check out the visit and learn how the kids got ready for the dogs’ return.
Extra appreciation for our early childhood educators
Each year, the first full week of May is dedicated as national Teacher Appreciation Week and gives us a chance to publicly thank early childhood educators. This year, we are especially thankful.