“Come tu pollo.” “I did eat my chicken.” Fostering Dual-Language Learning in a Bilingual Infant/Toddler Classroom. A. Sophie Rogers classroom featured project in April 2022.
Featured Project
Same or Different: Stories About Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
The teachers have been conscious about making sure that the common thread in preparing curriculum this year focuses on opportunities for conversations about diversity, equity, and inclusion. One of the […]
“What does the Fox say?” Open Conversations in the Classroom
In order to promote tenants of diversity and inclusion practices within a Pre-Kindergarten classroom there is a need to intentionally shift educators’ thinking about their everyday use of language to determine the impact that it currently […]
“Natural” Curiosity
FEATURED PROJECT: Teachers took the opportunity to build upon the children’s natural curiosity around plants. They creatively created a full curriculum to enhance the children’s learning and development.
“No, no, no! Birdies don’t have a nose!” and other scientific inquiries about birds
FEATURED PROJECT: When mourning doves arrived in this classroom’s courtyard, the children quickly became excited and curious about birds. This on-going project has evolved to continue expand children’s knowledge and meets a wide range of early learning standard domains.
Maintaining Relationships while Maintaining Distance: Creating Cohesion in a Partitioned Pre-K Classroom
FEATURED PROJECT: See how children at the A. Sophie Rogers School for Early Learning created community and developed social-emotional skills during a year of social distancing. See how they were able to continue meeting Ohio’s Early Learning Development Standards through these featured activities.
“WOAH!” Stacking and crashing: a study on blocks and balancing
FEATURED PROJECT: Our teachers noticed that the children were very interested in stacking and crashing, so they took the opportunity to build on this natural curiosity for extended learning opportunities covering a range of early learning standard domains.
“What ‘dat?” A Study of Seeds, Leaves, and the Parts of Plants
FEATURED PROJECT: Upon returning to school after closure due to COVID-19, the children in room 138 were greeted by sunflowers growing in our nature courtyard. This sparked an interest in plants that lead into a study lasting several months and meeting numerous early learning standards.