Visit with Cascade the Greyt, a Buckeye Paws therapy dog, and listen to a story.
therapy dog
Ultimutt Readers
Visit with Cascade the Greyt, a Buckeye Paws therapy dog, and listen to a story.
Ultimutt Readers
Visit with Cascade the Greyt, a Buckeye Paws therapy dog, and listen to a story.
Ultimutt Readers
Visit with Cascade the Greyt, a Buckeye Paws therapy dog, and listen to a story.
Ultimutt Readers
Visit with Cascade the Greyt, a Buckeye Paws therapy dog, and listen to a story.
Ultimutt Readers
Visit with Cascade the Greyt, a Buckeye Paws therapy dog, and listen to a story.
Cascade the therapy dog eases literacy learning for young children
Cascade, a 9-year-old greyhound, visits children once a month during story time at the A. Sophie Rogers School for Early Learning in Ohio State’s Schoenbaum Family Center. Her visits are an example of Buckeye Love, a campaign which expresses appreciation for and promotes the sharing of acts of kindness at The Ohio State University.
Ultimutt Readers
Visit with Cascade the Greyt, a Buckeye Paws therapy dog, and listen to a story.