Happy December A. Sophie Rogers’ families! In this month’s newsletter, please find information about upcoming breaks, meet some of our new team members, and find family activity resources for upcoming winter fun.
Check out the events calendar to see all of our upcoming dates or you can download the list of this year’s school closure dates.
Friday, December 23 – Monday, January 2
Monday, January 26
Winter Break
Martin Luther King Jr. Day
Winter weather updates
The A. Sophie Rogers School for Early Learning and Schoenbaum Family Center is a part of The Ohio State University and follows the university’s closure policies. When checking for school closings on local radio, television and internet sites, look to see if Ohio State main campus is closed. In case of severe weather closure, our automated system will send each family a text/email informing of closure.
We do love to explore the snow and winter weather! When the temperature allows (above 25 degrees), classrooms will go outside even if only for a few minutes. Please dress accordingly with winter weather clothing and label hats, coats and other items with initials.
December prosocial curriculum update
Over the month of December, our Couple and Family Therapy Intern will continue the prosocial curriculum lessons in each classroom on Friday mornings. This prosocial curriculum was developed by Second Step Elementary, a leading research-based social emotional curriculum. The Second Step Prosocial Curriculum is designed to teach young learners self-regulation and social-emotional skills to set students up for success in kindergarten. Each week there is a new lesson that includes activities, readings, and mentally stimulating games that help children to implement the new skills that they have learned. Over the month of November, the prosocial curriculum covered several important lessons. Children were taught how to identify other people’s feelings, to focus their attention on what is happening in situations, and to identify anger. In December, the prosocial curriculum will cover several important lessons:
- Children will learn how to identify anger by looking for physical cues. This lesson covers the concept that everyone feels angry sometimes. However, it is not ok to be mean or hurt others when you feel angry.
- People can have similar or different feelings about the same thing. Children will learn that it is ok for people to have different feelings and points of view. In this lesson, children will compare what is the same and what is different about two objects. Children will also identify whether they feel the same as or different from others in response to scenarios.
- Children will learn that an accident is when you do something you didn’t mean to do. This lesson establishes that when you do something by accident, it is important to say it was an accident, so others don’t think you did it on purpose.
Parents can access materials for the prosocial curriculum through the teachers’ weekly curriculum message. Each prosocial curriculum lesson comes with a flyer that parents can use at home to keep the learning process consistent for children across home and school environments. If you have questions about how to adapt these lessons to your home setting, feel free to reach out to our Couple and Family Therapy Intern Annie. Annie can be reached via phone at 614-247-7007 or via email at schoenbaumtherapy@gmail.com.
December’s dates for family storytime
Tuesday, Dec. 6, 13, and 20 from 4:45-5:15 pm. Families are welcome to check out books before or after storytime.
Please feel free to stop by the library throughout the day when you are dropping off or picking up your child to pick out books to take home.
How do families check out books?
Families will use their child’s ChildPlus ID number as their “Patron ID.” This four-digit number can be found in your child’s ChildPlus account. Through the month of December Sarah will be helping families with checkout, and early in the new year, we will begin self-checkout. Books check out for 30 days and can be returned in the library’s book drop at the entrance of the library. Look for updates on this in the January newsletter.
Call for family programs and traditions
In 2023, we will begin hosting special programs that celebrate the traditions and cultures of our school community. Your family’s traditions could be shared via a special program or photos which we will display throughout the school during that month. If your family would like to share ways you celebrate Black History month (February), Woman’s History Month (March), Asian American and Pacific Islander Month (May), or Pride Month (June), please reach out to Sarah in the library by stopping by, or email at Simpson.962@osu.edu.
December pop-up book giveaways
Throughout the month of December, the library will be hosting some pop-up book giveaways in mailboxes and on a table outside the library. Please stop by and take some books for your child!
Featured project
In this months featured project kids of various ages learn to empathize, play, and help one another. Be sure to check it out!
Ohio State University school psychology partnership

Welcome School Psychology Intern, Marcel Jacobs!
ASR is happy to share a partnership in our college with the Educational Studies Department to support School Psychology graduate students. We are fortunate to have. Kyanna Johnson and Marcel Jacobs joining us for the school year. Kyanna and Marcel will work with school administrators and teachers to devise curricular, and learning supports for children and classrooms, collect classroom observations and interventions, and support the preschool prosocial curriculum implementation and coaching. Please check the November School Newsletter for Kyanna’s biography, and take some time to learn more about Marcel below!
Marcel Jacobs is a 3rd year PhD student studying School Psychology at Ohio State University. Marcel has gained training and experience in providing students support in academic, behavior, and social emotional competence. He has learned to do so through the implementation of evidence-based practices, providing assessments, and collaboration with school staff and families. He is also a Graduate Teaching Assistant for the School Psychology program at Ohio State University, teaching both a cognitive and achievement assessment course. During his time at Ohio State, Marcel has engaged in various research projects examining social emotional and academic outcomes of students.
December resources
Central Community House Christmas food basket giveaway
Date: Dec. 21
Time: 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Location: 1150 E Main St, Columbus, OH 43205
Contact: 614 252-3157 or info@cchouse.org
Free holiday meal
First come first served while supplies last.
Date: Dec. 21
Time: 3 p.m. – 6 p.m.
Location: Dodge Rec Center 667 Sullivant Ave, Columbus OH, 43215
Free toy giveaway
First come first served while supplies last.
Date: Dec. 14
Time: 5:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.
Location: Dodge Rec Center 667 Sullivant Ave, Columbus OH, 43215
The Salvation Army Christmas cheer toy & food program (Franklin county residents)
For more information including important dates and how to apply visit The Salvation Army website.
Columbus Museum of Art
Bring your friends and family and enjoy Sundays at Columbus Museum of Art every weekend for free with general admission! Explore current exhibits and the hands-on activities in the child-focused Big Idea Gallery and Wonder Room.
Festive lights at Columbus Commons
At the Columbus Commons from Nov. 18, 2022 through Jan. 1, 2023 EVERY DAY from 5 p.m. to 11 p.m. Fridays in December will be a little extra festive, with free hot chocolate and carousel rides from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. Plus, you’ll hear the music of the season with musicians in the park.