Hello A. Sophie Rogers’ families! Below please find information about upcoming events, key information, resources, and more.
To see all upcoming events or to subscribe to the school’s event calendar, visit our events calendar. If you would like to download a printable PDF calendar showing the school’s closure dates for the 2024-2025 school year, click here to download the calendar.
Friday, August 16
Final Day for Kindergarten-Bound Children
Monday, August 20
and Tuesday, August 21
Professional Development
Monday, September 2
Best wishes to our kindergarten-bound students!

August 16 will be the last day of attendance for our graduates who are moving on to kindergarten! Whether a child has been with us one year or five, it is a big transition for the school and family, and we will miss everyone as they move on in their educational careers!
The school will be closed Monday, August 19, and and Tuesday, August 20, as teachers attend professional development in preparation for the upcoming year. New families and children will begin their early childhood education journey with us on Wednesday, August 21, the start of our 2024-2025 school year.
Library Update
In June and July, ASR families participated in school-wide Summer Literacy Challenge. Each child received a book of their choice and a small prize for completing 15 literacy activities. Thanks to all of the families who participated!
Looking ahead to September, we would like to celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month in partnership with one of our families. This could be a passive display of pictures celebrating your family’s Hispanic heritage or an in-person program or both! We strive to celebrate the identities and traditions of our enrolled families with our heritage celebrations, so if you are willing to partner it requires minimal time to do so. Please reach out to Sarah with questions or to volunteer at Simpson.962@osu.edu.
2024-2025 A. Sophie Rogers School Calendar
The 2024-2025 school calendar, showing the dates when the A. Sophie Rogers School is closed to classes, is available online on our website. A PDF of the school calendar is also available for download.
Check the school website and newsletter often throughout the year to learn of exciting family programming and opportunities that come up throughout the school year!
If you want more information on an event, you can click on the event name in the left column, which will open a webpage from the event organizers in a new browser tab.
Free Things to Do This Summer in Columbus
(click the red text above to go to the event webpage)
- Experience Columbus has listed a variety of free family events during the summer
- Events include movies, tours, museums, and more
- Check here for details
Columbus City Schools Back to School Resource Fair
(click the red text above to go to the event webpage)
- Provides students and families with critical back to school supplies, information and resources
- Saturday, August 17, 10 a.m. – 2 p.m., Fort Hayes Campus, 546 Jack Gibbs Blvd.