Hello A. Sophie Rogers’ families! Below please find information about upcoming events, key information, resources, and more.
To see all upcoming events or to subscribe to the school’s event calendar, visit our events calendar. If you would like to download a printable PDF calendar showing the school’s closure dates for the 2024-2025 school year, click here to download the calendar.
Monday, September 2
Wednesday, September 18
School Picture Day
Thursday, September 19
Family Resource Fair, 3:30-5:15 p.m., ASR Town Square
Thursday, September 26
Thursday, October 3/Friday, October 4
Crane Center for Early Childhood Research and Policy’s 2024 Symposium on Children/Professional Development – SCHOOL CLOSED
Friday, October 11
Family Conferences – SCHOOL CLOSED
Welcome to the 2024-2025 School Year!

We are honored to be a part of your child’s early education! Below is helpful information about our school, daily routines and resources for your family. The bullet points below are incorporated in our school handbook, which is available on the school website. The school website has classroom, school and local information; please access it frequently!
- The school is open from 8:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m. Monday-Friday, except for school closure dates. A school calendar is available on the school website.
- Grown-ups should check-in and check-out your child at the front office at drop-off and pick-up prior to going back to the classroom.
- Fees for late pick-up of a child are assessed starting at 5:31 p.m. and will be added to your account.
- Breakfast is served from 8:30-9:30 a.m., so please be mindful if you want your child to have breakfast at school.
- Outside food is not permitted in the school; please finish all foods and drinks prior to entrance.
- If your child will be arriving after 9:30 a.m. due to an appointment, please let your child’s teacher or the front office know by emailing your teacher or calling 614-247-7488. Absences should also be reported to your child’s teacher or the front office; a member of our staff will be contacting families for unexcused absences.
- Please do not congregate in the front vestibule before 8:30 a.m. as the school, research, and community programs’ staff all use this door for entrance into the building.
- Weinland Park Elementary School, the Columbus City Schools facility that is physically adjacent to our building, begins classes on Wednesday, August 21, 2024. Our two schools share a common driveway. Please be advised that there is increased traffic and congestion at 8:30 a.m. and 3:30 p.m.
- Each child has a mailbox located in the front lobby; this will be used for sending home information from the front office and library.
- Each child has a personal cubby space in their classroom. It is helpful for the school to have an extra set of clothing for the child, and for the family to bring a backpack to transport the child’s work and papers home daily.
- We ask that toys from home remain at home unless it is a comfort item, and that you routinely check your child’s backpack for items that should be left at home.
- At the end of the day, your child may not be in their classroom but in one of the other spaces throughout the school, such as the library, gross motor rooms, preschool playground, and courtyards.
- There is a whiteboard on the wall next to the front office desk that will alert you if your child is somewhere other than their classroom (just ask your child’s teacher for the room number).
- Sarah Simpson, the ASR librarian, has many fun and exciting plans for this upcoming year. Sarah will be emailing you all a survey regarding your child’s interests for upcoming book club bundles.
- Please stop in the library to get some information regarding library programming and to check out books! You can also sync the school event calendar to your phone by subscribing. The “SUBSCRIBE TO CALENDAR” box may be found on the bottom of the monthly calendar page.
- On Wednesday mornings we usually hold “Coffee Connections” in the school library from 8:30-9:30 a.m. This informal get-together for parents lets you meet other ASR parents, as well as grab a coffee and treat.
- Our monthly newsletter also contains lots of information regarding school programming; a reminder link will be emailed monthly, and the current newsletter can also always be accessed via the school website.
- A hallmark of our program is teacher and professional training opportunity for local university students. We will be welcoming new student interns, assistants, aides, course placements over the next several weeks. Your child’s teachers will communicate with you regarding the students placed in the classroom. Any questions regarding your child’s day, development, or education should be directed to your child’s teacher; emails are always welcomed and will be answered as soon as possible.
Please use the website and access information the school newsletter, calendar, menus, family programming events at any time. We look forward to a wonderful school year!
Ages & Stages Developmental Screening

An important aspect of early care and education is to document child growth and development. At the beginning of every school year, ASR requests families complete the Ages & Stages Questionnaires for your child or children. There are two different screening questionnaires that need to be completed.
You have received a separate email that has the links for the screeners and your child’s school ID number so that you can complete accordingly. Some families may have already completed these forms and we thank you in advance. If you have not completed, please search for an email from School Message to find the original email.
Library Updates
We have had a great summer and are looking forward to a very exciting fall of great family programs in the next few months. In September, ASR will welcome Mr. Anthony Morales as our artist-in-residence. Anthony will be creating a mural in the library that incorporates the identities and interests of our enrolled students and their families. On Thursday, September 26, Jean Pitman, an artist who is the manager of community programs at the Wexner Center for the Arts, will facilitate a family brainstorming session with enrolled families and Anthony to create inspiration for the mural’s design.
On Thursday, September 19, the school will be holding its second annual Family Resource Fair. Representatives from local community organizations such as Early Head Start, the Columbus Metropolitan Library, and the Columbus City Schools will have information about resources available to ASR families.
In October the school will be hosting its first Fall Festival. If you would like to be a parent volunteer to help staff activity stations, please contact Sarah Simpson by stopping by the library or by email at simpson.962@osu.edu.
If you want more information on an event, you can click on the event name in the left column, which will open a webpage from the event organizers in a new browser tab.
Sunday Family Funday at Columbus Oktoberfest
(click the red text above to go to the event webpage)
- Sunday, September 8, Ohio Expo Center (717 E. 17th Ave., Columbus)
- Special superhero and princess pancake breakfast can be booked for 10 a.m. or noon seatings. The pancake breakfast costs $6 children, $8 adults, $23 for a family of four persons. Breakfast must be booked through Eventbrite
- Other events include a bubble run (entry fees apply), princess and superhero parade, costume contest, storytime, singing, crafts and more!
- Entry to Oktoberfest is free, but parking is $15
Beginner Bird Walks
(click the red text above to go to the event webpage)
- Every other Saturday, from August 31 – November 9 (in September: Saturday, September 14, and Saturday, September 28), Scioto Audubon Metro Park, 400 W. Whittier St., Columbus (along the Scioto River just west of the Brewery District), starting at 10 a.m.
- Take a guided hike with Grange Insurance Audubon Center Educators or Columbus Audubon Volunteers to see what birds you can find
- Learn the basics of birding and discover the areas in the park that are great for birdwatching!
Free Sunday Admission at the Columbus Museum of Art
(click the red text above to go to the event webpage)
- On the first three Sundays in September (September 1, September 8, and September 15), admission is free at the Columbus Museum of Art, 480 E. Broad St., Downtown
- Museum hours on Sunday are 10 a.m.-5 p.m.
- Admission is also free from 5 p.m.-10 p.m. on Thursday, September 5, and Thursday, September 12
- Families with young children will enjoy The JPMorgan Chase Center for Creativity featuring the Big Idea Gallery to encourage imaginative play for everyone. You’ll also enjoy the art and exhibitions featuring world-renowned artists