Happy December A. Sophie Rogers’ families! In this month’s newsletter, please find information about upcoming breaks, meet some of our new team members, and find family activity resources for upcoming […]
Infant/toddler team lead teacher presents on language development
Groundwork Ohio hosted a webinar focused on the importance communication and language for infants and toddlers. A. Sophie Rogers’ team lead teacher Amber Fridley spoke as a panelist for the event. Amber is […]
Anti-bias series: Culturally diverse book highlights
See the monthly series of culturally diverse and racially affirming books, complete with activities and interaction tips.
“I Spy” Children interested in storytelling
The teachers discovered the children were really interested in books and reading over the last few months. Children not only wanted to sit and turn pages of the books, but […]
“Natural” Curiosity
FEATURED PROJECT: Teachers took the opportunity to build upon the children’s natural curiosity around plants. They creatively created a full curriculum to enhance the children’s learning and development.
“No, no, no! Birdies don’t have a nose!” and other scientific inquiries about birds
FEATURED PROJECT: When mourning doves arrived in this classroom’s courtyard, the children quickly became excited and curious about birds. This on-going project has evolved to continue expand children’s knowledge and meets a wide range of early learning standard domains.
Buckeye Paws Returns
Buckeye Paws – OSU’s therapy dog program – returned to our school for a fun (and adorable) visit. Check out the visit and learn how the kids got ready for the dogs’ return.
“I would like to send this to my friend!”: A year-long letter writing exploration
FEATURED PROJECT: Read how children at the A. Sophie Rogers School for Early Learning used letter writing to communicate their thoughts, ideas and feelings to friends (both peers and canine!). Read how they are meeting Ohio’s Early Learning Development Standards through these fun activities.