Scientists from OSU’s Orton Geological Museum will visit preschool classrooms in the morning and will share some artifacts and fossils.
Why is science so important in early childhood education?
FEATURED PROJECT: A simple science table set up for hands-on exploration, such as preparing seeds to sprout and grow from the interior of a decaying pumpkin, creates a daily gathering space for curiosity and learning.
Growing, Caring, & Sharing: Scientific Inquiry with Infants & Toddlers
In this months featured project, infants and toddlers tend to their garden.
Math, Science, Motor, and Social Development: Exploring Ramp Work
Featured project from May 2022 by Virginia Nicoloulias & Dilshad Tolliver in classroom 134. Math, Science, Motor, & Social Development: Exploring Ramp Work.
“No, no, no! Birdies don’t have a nose!” and other scientific inquiries about birds
FEATURED PROJECT: When mourning doves arrived in this classroom’s courtyard, the children quickly became excited and curious about birds. This on-going project has evolved to continue expand children’s knowledge and meets a wide range of early learning standard domains.
AT-HOME SCIENCE: Bubble Lava Lamp
Our teachers and researchers from the Schoenbaum and Crane Centers have teamed up to offer activities for your child while you are home together. These activities are meant to help […]